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Canon 1000/11 Canomatic R

The 1000/11 Canon R was introduced in January 1960, and up until this point was the longest lens they had ever produced. It focuses by means of the Bellows R. It appears that the only difference between this and the version for the rangefinder is that the rangefinder version uses the Intermediate Tube, and the Canonflex lenses use the Intermediate Tube R, which probably compensate for the differences between the thickness of a Canonflex body compared to a Canon 7 or 7s and the Mirror Box 2. The diaphragm is manual. It was constructed of two elements in one group, stopped down to f/32 and accepted 48mm filters via a holder in the rear section of the barrel. Minimum focus was just under 69 feet. It was supplied with a fitted metal case.

The price in March 1962 was $750.00.It should be noted that these lenses were carried in the Canon catalog through 1971, after the introduction of the FD system.

The 1000/11 Canon. It is a monster. Nikon had a 1000/6.3. but it was a mirror lens. For sheer physical length, I am not sure it had any contemporary equal.